Resilience recognises difficulty and is adaptable, patient and playful in the midst of change.

Examples of nature's resilience surround us and can be seen everywhere. Rivers find ways to flow around newly fallen rocks. Flora and fauna return after fire sweeps through.

Willow trees and bamboo bend to survive when strong winds blow. We neither want to be swept away completely by change nor stubbornly resist it.

So to begin to work with flexibility we can think about what we can change or control and what we can't. Surprisingly, merely asking the question, "Is this within my control?" brings acceptance and a shift in perspective.

we can't

  • Control the weather
  • Control other people's thoughts or feelings
  • Change what we need
    (food, clothing, shelter)
  • Change the past
  • Halt the flow of change
  • Eradicate war… yet

we can

  • Wear the right clothes
  • Be aware of our own thoughts and feelings
  • Change what we want
    (new phone, big tv, a dog)
  • Focus on the present
  • Explore what change offers
  • Cultivate a peaceful mind