Sharing the Beauty of Earth

In this space we invite you to share your experiences of the earth element. We welcome creative expressions of earth in the form of photos (below 5MB), short poems, artwork or short videos up to (2 minutes). Please mention your location.

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An Earth Dakini painting by Tara di Gesu
The Guardian of the Earth painted by Tara di Gesu
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche taken by Pawo Choyning Dorji
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche photo by Pawo Choyning Dorji. Bodhgaya, India.
Terrell Minton's impressionist painting of a Lily Pond
Painting by Terrell Minton.
Susan Killfoil's drip-style landscape.
Chocolate Sunrise Painting by Susan Killfoil.
Alicja Zmigrodzka's portrait of an earth goddess.
Painting by Alicja Zmigrodzka. Poland.
Brazilian open-air produce market
Photo by Paul Norden. Brazil.
Bushells of apples
Photo by Doug Pinto. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Aged wall strewn with plants along a sidewalk
Photo by Doug Pinto. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
A nude earth mother sculpture
Photo by Jonathan Matas. Kolkata, India.
Colorful landscape of farmlands in a valley
Painting by Sandy Litchfield. Spring Hike.
A dipiction of the life cycle of flowers inscribed with 'Sometimes this is what resiliency looks like'
Painting by Alicja Zmigrodzka. Portugal.
Grayscale photo of a stone hut inscribed with 'Living here, on this island, the sense of solitude is immense.'
Photo by Sandra Scales. Inishmaan, Aran Islands, Ireland.
Grayscale landscape of a stone walls with a child in the foreground inscribed with 'Only the silver grey of slate rock, no trees, no grass.'
Photo by Sandra Scales. Inishmaan, Aran Islands, Ireland.
Grayscale landscape of a blanketed with snow inscribed with 'I could not find or realize my own body.'
Photo by Sandra Scales. Inishmaan, Aran Islands, Ireland.
Grayscale photo of men carrying a long boat over their heads inscribed with 'I seemed to exist merely in my perception of the waves, the crying birds,  and the smell of seaweed. -Sandra Scales'
Photo by Sandra Scales. Inishmaan, Aran Islands, Ireland.
Closeup detail of a pink-toned white rose inscibed with 'Let the beauty we love be what we do -Rumi'
Photo by Paul Norden. Chicago, Illinois.
Wild poppies growing in an open field
Photo by Paul Norden. Chicago, Illinois.
Open-air market in Calcutta
Photo by Jonathan Matas. India.
A drainage pipe set in a wall with a leaf sitting at its mouth inscibed with 'Finding secret beauty'
Photo by Alana Siegel. California.
A bowl of fruit inscibed with a poem: 'I am reliable, I am abundant, I am harmonious, I can nurture, I can connect, I can provide, I support, You call me earth -Yvonne Gold'
Photo by Paul Norden. Chicago, Illinois
Video by Chagdud Gonpa Brasil/Khadro Ling
Video by Jonathan Matas. India.
Video by Julien Ducret. France