Sharing Visions of Water
Here in this space we invite you to share your visions of water. Please feel free to send short poems, artwork, photos (below 5MB), or short videos (up to 2 minutes) relating to the essence of water. Please mention your location.
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The Guardian of the Water Painted by Tara di Gesu
Gondola, Gondola by Tom Bottoms. Santa Cruz, California
Photo by Doug Pinto. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Photo by Christie Longaker. Ireland.
Photo by Jason Papenfuss. Bahamas.
Painting by Terrell Minton
Green Waves Painting by Susan Killfoil
Solitude Painting by Susan Killfoil
Photo by Christie Longaker. Netherlands.
Photo by Christie Longaker. Netherlands.
Photo by Paul Norden. Iguazu Falls, Brazil.
Painting by Alicja Zmigrodzka. Poland.
Photo by Christie Longaker. Netherlands.
Video by Marisa Pearson. France
Video by Noa Jones. Iceland